The first Festival for Contemporary Flamenco in Vienna took place IM RAUM FLAMENCO in August 2013. Here is a short summary of what happened during this 5 days festival in Vienna
It contained everything that a festival should contain:
- an artistic residency (Juan Carlos Lérida, Francisco Contreras „el Nino de Elche“ and David Montero worked on „3rd Acercamiento al Cante“which they presented during the festival as well)
- Workhops both for Flamencodance and Flamencosinging (Dance: Juan Carlos Lérdia and Belén Maya, Singing: Francisco Contreras „el Nino de Elche“)
- A Workshop especially dedicated to new forms of aproaching flamenco – through techniques of creation and improvisation (Juan Carlos Lérida) – including a presentation of the creations developed within this workshop
- Concerts in a small, intimate atmosphere. Concerts that are special both for the artists (because they can try new perspectives IM RAUM FLAMENCO) and the audience (be part of something unique). The concerts: „3rd acercamiento al cante“ Juan Carlos Lérida, Francisco Contreras „el Nino de Elche“ and David Montero) and „Tradición y busqueda“ (Belén Maya, Tomás de Perrate and David Montero).
- A talk (David Montero)
- A surprise (The Flamenco Artists Rosanna Terracciano brought her Flamenco-Short-Film „Empezar, in pieces“ which we were very happy to show during the festival)
- a beautiful foto-documentation (by the photographers Daniel Karsch and Ernst Grünwald)
- a fiesta hosted by the Vienna Flamenco Asociation „La Granaina“
- A hashtag on Instagram #imraumflamenco and profile @imraumflamenco
- and of course T-Shirts! (by
Here you can find details:
the Workshops of the festival (in german): WORKSHOPS im Raum Flamenco 2013
the Program (Concerts) of the Festival (in german): COCERTS and TALK im Raum Flamenco 2013
Press-Coverage of the Festival (TV, Radio, Print): PRESS COVERAGE im Raum Flamenco 2013
Fotos by Ernst Grünwald: FOTOS im Raum Flamenco
(a full documentation, thoughts, blogposts can be found here: Archive: Festival…im Raum Flamenco 2013)